A team discussing sales enablement collateral


In sales, strategies continually evolve to adapt to changing market dynamics and customer preferences. Sales enablement collateral has emerged as a crucial tool in this process. It refers to the content used by companies to train their sales representatives regarding their unique value proposition.

Considering each prospect's journey, different types of sales collateral can be employed at various stages, from initial contact to sealing the deal. These materials help ensure the target audience is effectively reached, allowing sales teams to streamline their operations and bridge the gap between marketing goals and sales execution. This, in turn, results in heightened efficiency and improved business outcomes.

What is a Sales Enablement Collateral?

Sales enablement collateral refers to the collection of content used to prepare sales teams with a company's unique value proposition. It encapsulates an array of materials, including playbooks, battle cards, quizzes, how-to guides, call scripts, and training videos, to mention a few.

It equips sales representatives with comprehensive knowledge about the company's products or services, aiding them in better representing the organization and succeeding in persuading prospects.

What is Sales Collateral, and How is it Different from Sales Enablement Collateral?

Although they seem similar, sales collateral and sales enablement collateral serve distinct purposes.

Sales collateral comprises marketing materials intended primarily to impress and convince external customers of the company's value propositions. These could be brochures, videos, or case studies shared with prospective customers to guide their decision-making process.

In contrast, sales enablement collateral is designed to build internal capability. It targets the sales teams, offering comprehensive sales materials and marketing collateral for training that equips them with an in-depth understanding of the company's offerings and enhances their skills for customer interactions.

Thus, while sales collateral is outward-facing, sales enablement collateral is utilized predominantly within the organization.

The Importance of B2B Sales Enablement Collateral

Sales enablement collateral plays a critical role in aligning marketing goals and sales delivery. Here’s how:

  • It aids in transforming product information into pitch-worthy narratives.
  • Equips sales reps with a clear understanding of the company’s offerings, enabling them to address customer inquiries effectively.
  • Provides the right information at the right time to overcome customer inquiries and objections.
  • Shortens the sales cycle by facilitating efficient deal closing.
  • Enhances overall sales team performance.
  • Promotes consistency in messaging to customers.
  • Drives revenue growth.

How to Create and Implement a Successful Sales Enablement Collateral in 7 Steps?

Creating effective sales enablement collateral requires a strategic approach. This starts with identifying the stakeholders and defining the content's objectives and ends with analyzing and improving the strategy. Stay tuned as we dig deeper into each step to understand how to implement and leverage sales enablement collateral successfully.

1. Identify the Stakeholders

The first step in creating successful sales enablement content is recognizing the key members or groups that will be interacting with it. These could include sales representatives, sales managers, content marketers, and marketing managers. Having a clear understanding of your stakeholders and their roles is essential for crafting content that caters to their needs. Once identified, it is vital to keep everyone up-to-date and provide them with inputs on how the content will be produced, distributed, and assessed.

2. Define the Objectives of Sales Enablement Collateral

Before producing sales enablement collateral, it's essential to clarify its intended purposes and outcomes. Questions to consider before you begin include why the collateral is being created, how sales teams are expected to use this content, and how the success of your sales enablement material will be measured. Defining these objectives early in the process aids in establishing a clear pathway, ensuring the final output aligns with the company's overarching goals.

3. Organize Your Content Effectively

An equally pivotal step is to organize your sales enablement content to make it easily accessible for the sales team. Efficient organization of sales content ensures that valuable resources are preserved amidst the digital clutter. Broadly, this entails:

  • Categorizing and labeling the sales enablement materials for easy retrieval.
  • Adding relevant tags and descriptions to the collateral.
  • Using a content management platform to streamline accessibility and user experience.

4. Distribute Content Efficiently

Properly distributing the sales enablement collateral is just as essential as creating it. It's crucial to adopt platforms that ensure seamless distribution, considering the users' convenience. Storing your sales training materials on a content management platform that all stakeholders can access allows for a more enriching user experience. It enables setting rights to determine who has access to what types of content and sales enablement resources.

5. Train Your Sales Team

The quality of sales collateral directly impacts the sales team's proficiency in handling prospects. Therefore, it becomes critical to provide adequate training to the sales teams. This training could encompass various aspects, from product knowledge to sales pitches and handling customer queries. It may include training modules, demos, how-to guides, and more. Also, regular updates about any modifications or additions to the sales enablement materials would ensure they remain current and proactive.

6. Measure and Analyze

An integral part of the implementation process of the sales enablement collateral is measuring and analyzing its effectiveness. Tracking how and when the sales content is used, which pieces resonate better, and which garner the most engagement can reveal insights about the content strategy's strengths and weaknesses. This can form the basis for continuous improvement, ensuring the sales enablement content remains relevant and serves its purpose effectively.

7. Iterate and Improve

A static sales enablement strategy will eventually lose its effectiveness. Therefore, constant iteration and improvement are necessary. Continuous feedback loops from the users of the sales enablement content guide this improvement process. It would be best if you tried to understand the pain points and feedback of the sales reps, involve them in the decision-making process, and make necessary improvements.

What are the Essential Types of Sales Enablement Collateral?

While numerous types of sales enablement materials can assist sales teams, some types are more significant than others. From detailed guides and playbooks to concise call scripts, email templates, and interactive explainer videos, each format serves a unique purpose and offers distinct benefits. Understanding which types of sales enablement collateral are the best option and the most effective is crucial in empowering the sales team to engage prospects effectively, convey the correct message, and ultimately drive revenue growth.

1. Playbooks

Sales playbooks are comprehensive documents that encompass everything a sales rep needs to fulfill his role. They encapsulate details about sales strategy, buyer personas, target quotas, product features, and benefits, as well as operational processes. For instance, an example of an eBook that helps in educating potential clients can be included in such materials. Providing the necessary pitch material, the sales playbook serves as an essential reference tool for new hires and veteran sales reps.

2. Battle cards

Battle cards are informative documents that empower salespeople for meaningful client conversations. They host critical information about your product, competitive intelligence, pricing details, and potential customer counter-questions. Serving as an arsenal for sales reps, Battle Cards enable them to pitch the product effectively and handle customer objections smartly.

3. Whitepapers

Whitepapers or research reports are comprehensive documents that present a lot of information and in-depth research findings or explain complex topics. They work excellently in positioning your company as a thought leader in the market while providing substantial value to the reader. Leveraging whitepapers as part of an effective sales collateral and sales enablement strategy can significantly enhance the credibility and trustworthiness of your brand in the eyes of potential customers by serving as valuable sales assets.

4. Training Videos and How-to Guides

These materials, from product demos to feature walk-throughs and usage simulations, enable sales reps to visualize the product's workings and familiarize themselves with its features and benefits. This familiarity facilitates better customer interactions, arming the sales team with convincing product knowledge to handle queries, doubts, and objections effectively.

5. FAQs

An FAQ section or a knowledge base serves as a comprehensive buyer’s guide, providing a collection of common questions and their answers related to your product or service. It bolsters buyer confidence by showcasing your brand's expertise and dedication to customer support. A well-constructed FAQ document is not just beneficial for buyers but also aids the sales teams by offering necessary information and ongoing support for their conversations with prospective customers.

6. Call Scripts and Email Templates

Call scripts and email templates guide the sales teams on what to say during client interactions and how to structure their conversations to keep prospects engaged. These materials help standardize the company's message and ensure consistent communication. Having ready email templates and call scripts offers a solid starting point to personalize interactions based on clients' needs or responses.

7. Product Demo Videos

Product demo videos offer an interactive way of displaying your product's features, benefits, and usability to prospective customers. They provide a hands-on experience of the product, helping the customer visualize its application better. For sales reps, these videos can serve as a handy tool during client meetings or sales presentations, offering actual demonstrations of the product that can answer specific customer queries effectively.

8. Case Studies and Testimonials

Case studies and testimonials serve as compelling endorsements showcasing the effectiveness of your product or service, playing a crucial role in customer retention and attracting new customers. They provide real-life success stories that potential customers can relate to and serve as a form of thought leadership. They give them insight into others' experiences with your product, the challenges faced, and the solutions delivered. These credible narratives can greatly influence a prospect's decision-making process, solidifying trust in your brand and reinforcing the compelling impact of your offerings.

9. Customer Success Stories

Customer success stories are similar to case studies, but they primarily focus on how a specific customer found success by using your product or service. These narratives portray your product's practical application, demonstrating tangible results and positive impacts. For sales reps, sharing these success stories can help persuade potential clients by offering robust evidence of your product's benefits and value.

10. Role-Play Scenarios and Objection-Handling Techniques

Role-play scenarios offer hands-on experience in dealing with prospective customer interactions. They help sales teams prepare for the real-life situations they might encounter during their sales pitches. Similarly, training on objection-handling techniques equips sales reps with effective responses to potential objections raised by customers. However, creativity is the key in such scenarios, as every customer interaction is unique, and no script can cover all possible sales situations.

What are Some Best Practices for Developing Effective Sales Enablement Collateral?

To create effective sales enablement collateral that aligns with the buyer's journey, consider various types of sales collateral suitable for different stages of the sales process. Here are some best practices for developing sales collateral that resonates with buyers, supports your sales strategy, and delivers measurable results.

1. Create a Content Calendar

A content calendar is beneficial for planning when the sales collateral will be published. Having a schedule ensures a systematic approach to creating and distributing sales enablement materials. It offers a visual overview of all content-related activities, including the due dates, tasks, responsibilities, and progress status.

Not being able to plan for the entire year should not be a blocker—you can start by charting out a 3 or 6-month content calendar.

2. Audit and Update Existing Content

Periodically auditing your sales enablement collateral identifies outdated or irrelevant content that needs to be replaced or refreshed. It helps maintain clarity and relevance in the library, reducing clutter and redundancy.

An audit process ensures that every piece of content meets the current quality guidelines, reflects accurate information, and aligns with the company's branding elements. Also, continuous updates keep the content fresh and relatable, paralleling the evolving market dynamics and customer expectations.

3. Make Visually Appealing Materials

Creating visually appealing materials enhances engagement with the sales enablement collateral. Incorporating suitable images, infographics, animations, and videos makes the content more engaging and easier to understand. Here are a few key design factors to consider:

Design Aspect

Why it's Important

Use of Relevant Images

Holds the viewer's attention, simplifies complex information


Represents data in an appealing and digestible format

Consistent Branding

Strengthens brand image and recognition

Enhanced Readability

Improves comprehension and information retention

4. Encourage and Respond to Feedback from Sales Teams

Feedback from sales enablement content users offers crucial insights into its effectiveness. Inviting the sales teams' feedback unveils the aspects that work well and those that need improvement. It helps them understand their pain points, preferences, and the efficacy of the materials in aiding their sales process. By encouraging team feedback and responding constructively, you enhance the alignment between the collateral needs and the provided resources.

How to Measure the ROI of Sales Enablement Collateral

Measuring the ROI of sales enablement collateral outlines the path toward continuous improvement, enabling a more targeted approach to content creation. Assessing it involves tracking its usage patterns and overall effectiveness. Below, we uncover specific measures to gauge the ROI of your sales enablement collateral.

Step 1: Track Content Effectiveness with Engagement Metrics

Monitoring the effectiveness of sales enablement content lies significantly within engagement metrics. It includes parameters like:

  • How and when is the sales content being used?
  • Which pieces have the highest engagement?
  • The frequency of content shares among the sales team.

Recognizing these metrics can help uncover valuable insights about your content strategy's strengths and indicate scopes for further enhancement.

Step 2: Analyze Deal Velocity and Close Rates

Another measure of the ROI of sales enablement collateral involves examining the deal velocity (how quickly a lead moves through the sales pipeline) and close rates (percentage of deals won). High-quality sales collateral, especially when combined with the right pieces of content, shortens the sales cycle and increases the likelihood of closing a deal. The improvements in these metrics attest to the effectiveness of the sales enablement content.

Step 3: Assess Overall Sales Team Performance

Evaluating the sales team's performance serves as a valuable yardstick to measure the ROI from sales enablement collateral. It includes illustrating the team's level of efficiency, the quantity and quality of deals closed, and improvements in individual performances. A consistent increase in the performance metrics can be attributed to the consequential effectiveness and utility of the sales enablement content.

Why Choose SmartCue for Effective Sales Enablement Solutions?

Amongst several organizations providing sales enablement solutions, SmartCue stands out due to its comprehensive and effective approach. We ensure streamlined recruitment, coaching, training, and onboarding of sales reps while reinforcing adherence to back-end operations.

SmartCue forms the crucial bridge between marketing and sales teams, ensuring that the right message reaches the sales teams via suitable content. We are committed to helping businesses seamlessly create and implement impactful sales enablement collateral, optimizing sales strategies, and driving substantial revenue growth.

For more information about our solutions, book a call with us and try SmartCue for free.

Wrapping Up

Harnessing the power of sales enablement collateral signifies a significant step towards accelerating your sales strategy. While the practices around this tool continually evolve, understanding how sales enablement collateral can be diversified and optimized remains crucial.

By prioritizing organization-wide communication, fostering team inclusivity, leveraging the right tools, and keeping up with future trends, businesses can revolutionize their sales operations and set themselves up for success.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the essential components of a sales enablement strategy?

The essential components of a sales enablement strategy include defining clear objectives, identifying key stakeholders, creating targeted sales content, effectively organizing and distributing the content, continuously training sales teams, and reviewing and enhancing the strategy based on analytics and user feedback.

How do I optimize my sales enablement content for my audience?

To optimize sales enablement content for your audience, it is crucial to understand their specific needs and interests. Content should then be created or adapted to address these requirements. Additionally, content should be regularly reviewed and updated to remain relevant and effective.

How can my organization better leverage technology to distribute sales enablement collateral?

Organizations can leverage technology to distribute sales enablement collateral by using platforms designed for content management. Such platforms organize content effectively, ensure seamless distribution, enable quick accessibility, provide rights management options, and facilitate real-time updates and modifications.

How often should I update my sales enablement content?

While there isn't a fixed rule on how often you should update your sales enablement content, keeping it current and relevant is essential. Regular audits can help determine which content needs updates or revisions, ensuring your sales teams are always equipped with accurate information.

How can sales analytics tools help improve my sales enablement efforts?

Sales analytics tools help measure the effectiveness and ROI of sales enablement efforts. By tracking engagement metrics, deal velocity, and close rates, these tools provide insights that guide improvements in sales enablement strategies. They also offer indicators for future trends and patterns in sales enablement.