Product demonstrations hold prime importance in sales and marketing. However, crafting a compelling product demonstration can demand a significant investment of time and resources. The process becomes even more complex when scaling it up, mainly due to the diversifying client requirements. This is where Demo Automation Software steps in.

This blog explores demo automation software and its various types, reviews some of the best demo automation software on the market, and gives tips on choosing one that meets your business needs.

What is Demo Automation Software?

Demo automation software is a valuable tool designed to streamline the process of showcasing products or services through automated demonstrations. It allows users to create interactive and engaging demos that effectively highlight the offering's features and functionalities.

Automated demo software is especially beneficial for companies looking to demonstrate complex products or services in a simplified and visually appealing manner. Demo automation software not only enhances the demonstration process but also boosts sales conversions by offering potential customers a clear understanding of the value proposition.

Businesses aiming to leave a lasting impression on their target audience should consider utilizing demo automation software, known for its user-friendly interface and customizable features.

What are the Different Types of Demo Automation Software?

There are various types of demo automation software, each serving unique purposes and customer needs. Understanding these types is vital in making an informed selection that aligns with your unique business requirements and enhances your marketing strategy.

Video demo software

Video demo software is a variant of demo automation that utilizes dynamic video content. Unlike generic recorded videos, tools in this category incorporate special features like Natural Language Processing (NLP), making the videos more engaging and searchable. This way, buyers can easily locate specific moments in the video where their interests are addressed.

Product tour software

Product tour software is another type of demo automation software that uses browser extensions to capture your product's front-end code, making your product tours more dynamic. This software allows you to add hyperlinks, change copy after the screen capture, and assemble guided walkthroughs of your product.

Live demonstration software

Live demonstration software enables sales teams to provide real-time product demonstrations. During account setup, teams showcase a live version of their products using either pre-populated dummy data or AI-generated data. These demo environments can be reset for each use, ensuring a clean and tailored demo for every prospect.

Sandbox and proof of concept software

Sandbox and Proof of Concept (POC) software is used to create functional sandboxes and proof of concepts that you can share with leads to qualify them or let them get hands-on experiences after a demonstration. These sandboxes are either preconfigured with data and integrations or replicate a product's front-and-back end code.

Best Demo Automation Software

The best demo automation software, in high demand, offers cutting-edge features like interactive demos and customized presentations. It streamlines the sales process, enhances buyer experience, and boosts conversions.

Here is our detailed list of the best Demo Automation Software:

1. SmartCue

SmartCue product demo example

SmartCue is demo automation software that enhances interactivity by intuitively guiding potential buyers through product demos. It enables personalization and customization, providing a tailored demo experience. SmartCue automates lead qualification by identifying buyer interests and preferences, allowing sales teams to focus on high-quality interactions. 

Here are the key features of SmartCue: 

  • Ability to capture screenshots and record screens of your software. 

  • Users can edit each step of the demo and add overlay texts, edit elements and styling. 

  • It also lets you highlight important elements and edit, zoom, and pan objects seamlessly. 

Who can use SmartCue? 

SmartCue is best for SaaS product owners and sales & marketing teams who wish to share the demos with their prospects. Whether you want to create an interactive demo, set up a live demo or create a product tutorial, SmartCue offers all the features you need. 

Why Choose SmartCue? 

SmartCue is ideal for creating various demo types and stands out from other demo tools for various reasons. Here’s what is unique about it: 

  • Team management: Admins can share the invite link with the team members and manage the users. They can also share the demo through links with accessibility options. 

  • Repurpose: You can also repurpose your demo recording as PDF, GIF or video and share it across different channels. 

  • Track your performance: One of SmartCue's major USPs is its smart tracking. You can track your demo video based on metrics such as time spent, drop-off rates, views, impressions, and more to gain insight into buyer behavior. 

  • Third-party integrations: To boost productivity, SmartCue seamlessly integrates with third-party tools like HubSpot, Salesforce, Slack, Google Analytics and MS Teams.  

  • Simple interface: The tool has a simplistic interface and displays all the elements on the left panel of the dashboard. 

Are you still on the fence? Hear it from users who use SmartCue to create engaging demos for their businesses. 

2. Storylane

Storylane product demo software dashboard

Storylane is a demo automation software focused on creating interactive product demos for potential customers. It enhances marketing materials and lead qualification by offering personalized demos. Storylane helps account executives deliver specific features to improve the buyer experience. With valuable tools for sales teams, it streamlines the sales process and enables customization for different buying cycles. By providing analytics and support, Storylane is a reliable choice for creating engaging demos that cater to the needs of marketing and sales teams.

3. Navattic

Navattic demo software

Navattic offers a comprehensive demo automation platform that caters to businesses' personalized needs. By providing interactive product demos, Navattic enhances potential customers' buying experience. Its user-friendly interface enables marketing teams to create interactive demos efficiently, leading to more qualified leads. 

With a focus on personalization and automation, Navattic equips sales teams with valuable tools to streamline the sales process and drive conversions.

4. Consensus

Consensus software dashboard

Consensus stands out as a powerful tool for interactive product demos. It enables personalized demos that cater to the specific needs of potential buyers, offering a seamless and engaging demo experience. With Consensus, marketing teams can streamline the buying process, qualify leads efficiently, and provide valuable insights into buyer behavior through analytics. This platform revolutionizes the way demos are conducted, making it an indispensable asset for sales and marketing teams.

5. Demostack

Demostack demo software dashboard

Demostack is versatile demo automation software that excels at creating interactive product demos. It enables personalised demo experiences for potential customers, enhancing lead qualification. With its demo creation and customization capabilities, Demostack significantly improves the buyer experience and shortens the sales cycle. This valuable tool is widely utilized by marketing teams, sales representatives, and presales professionals to streamline the demo process and drive conversions efficiently.

6. Loom

Loom product demo software

Loom is a popular video demo software that enables interactive product demos. It allows for personalized demo experiences for potential customers, helping in lead qualification and enhanced buyer experience. With features like demo creation, customization, and analytics, Loom proves to be a valuable tool for sales and marketing teams. Its functionality streamlines the sales process by saving time for account executives and stakeholders. Loom stands out as an efficient solution for creating engaging demo videos and improving sales conversions.

7. ScreenRec

ScreenRec demo software

ScreenRec is a dynamic demo automation software that enables the creation of interactive product demos. It facilitates personalized demos for potential customers and streamlines the lead qualification process.

With its advanced functionality, ScreenRec significantly enhances the buyer experience by providing valuable insights and facilitating seamless interactions. This tool is a valuable asset for marketing teams and sales reps alike, as it efficiently guides potential buyers through the sales process. The analytics provided by ScreenRec empower users to optimize their demo strategies effectively.

8. Saleo

Saleo interactive demo software

Saleo provides cutting-edge features for seamless demo automation. With interactive product demos and personalized demos, this sales demo automation software enhances the buyer experience. Its automation software streamlines the sales process and boosts lead qualification. Saleo's valuable tool saves time by automating demos, making it a top choice for marketing teams and sales reps alike. The platform offers analytics for in-depth insights, making it an indispensable asset for any sales team. 

9. Omedym

Omedym interactive demo software

Omedym is a comprehensive demo automation platform designed to enhance the demo experience for potential customers. With its interactive demo features and personalized demo environment, Omedym enables marketing teams to create dynamic product demonstrations and lead qualification processes. This valuable tool streamlines the sales cycle by providing automated demos, customization options, and in-depth analytics for sales teams and stakeholders. Omedym is a must-have for businesses looking to optimize their demo creation and improve the buying experience for potential buyers.

10. Reprise

Reprise interactive demo software

Reprise is a robust automatic demo platform that offers a wide range of features for creating interactive product demos. It enables personalized demos tailored to potential customers, helping in lead qualification. By streamlining the demo creation process, Reprise saves a lot of time for sales teams and enhances the overall buyer experience. With advanced analytics and customization options, Reprise is a valuable tool for marketing teams to accelerate the sales cycle and drive qualified leads effectively.

Also Read: 6 Software Demo Presentation Examples

How to Choose the Right Demo Automation Tool for Your Business?

Determining the right demo automation tool for your business requires a comprehensive understanding of your business needs and market offerings. Indeed, each tool has its unique features, but it boils down to what best aligns with your objectives. Hence, it's crucial to assess your specific needs, compare the features, and evaluate user feedback and testimonials.

A well-informed decision will not only save you from potential pitfalls but also optimize your sales process, enhance the buyer experience, and elevate your go-to-market strategy.

Assessing your specific needs

The first step in choosing the right demo automation tool involves mapping your business requirements and the goals you aim to achieve with the software. Do you require a more personalized demo?

Do you focus on live demonstrations or video demos? Understanding your prerequisites serves as the foundation for making the right selection. Analyzing your team's resources, objectives, and the complexity of your product is critical in this process.

Comparing features and pricing

Once you have identified your needs, the next step involves comparing the essential features and pricing of various tools. Each software program has unique offerings, but it's crucial to see if they align with your requirements. It's best to consider factors such as ease of use, customization, integration with other platforms, scalability, and support services.

Evaluating user feedback and testimonials

Reading user reviews and considering testimonials can also help in apprehending the efficacy and reliability of demo automation software. They provide insights into the tool's real-life usage and potential drawbacks, aiding in making an informed decision. Feedback from customers who have already deployed the software in their processes can provide valuable and objective opinions about its performance and customer service.

Also read: The Power of Self-Service Demos

How To Create Interactive Demos Using SmartCue?

If you’re looking to highlight product features and a step-by-step walkthrough for customers, you can use SmartCue to record the walkthrough. 

This interactive automated demo tool uses interactive features like screen recording, text editing, zoom & pan to help you create demos for your software. It lets you create product walkthroughs and interactive demos using a few steps. 

Here’s how you can create your demo using SmartCue: 

Step 1: Install the SmartCue Chrome extension and log into SmartCue. 

Step 2: Next, create your new showcase. 

Step 3: On the dashboard, click on ‘Capture New’ to start the screen recording.

Step 4: Record your screen and perform the software's walkthrough steps. As you click on each step, the tool will record it as a different step. 

You can edit each element of your recording, such as the overlay text, add descriptions or change the styling of text. You can easily trim the recording, remove all awkward pauses, add text and graphics, apply transitions, and add captions to make your videos accessible.   

Above all, SmartCue is easier to set up and takes minimal steps to record your product tour. 

Sign up for SmartCue’s 14-day trial to get a hands-on experience and explore the products’ features in depth. 


In conclusion, Demo Automation Software serves as a game-changing solution in the realm of sales and marketing. By automating the creation and management of personalized product demos, it revolutionizes the way businesses interface with their potential customers.

However, the decision to choose the right demo automation tool calls for a careful evaluation of your business needs, a comparison of unique features and pricing, and an examination of user testimonials. Making an informed choice aligned with your business objectives will not only save you from potential pitfalls but also optimize your operational efficiency, thereby driving growth in your go-to-market strategy.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the main purpose of demo automation software?

Demo automation software's primary purpose is to create and manage personalized and interactive product demos with minimal effort. It provides potential customers with a firsthand experience of the product at their convenience, enhancing lead qualification and boosting sales.

How do I determine the best demo automation software for my business?

To determine the best demo automation software for your business, it's crucial first to assess your team's goals, resources, and product complexity. Comparing tool features and pricing and analyzing customer reviews can further guide your decision-making process.

Can I customize demo automation software to fit my needs?

Yes, customizing demo automation software is possible based on your requirements. Many tools offer features like personalizing demos, customizing interfaces, and tailoring product tours and video demos, letting businesses create an engaging buyer experience.

Are there any disadvantages to using demo automation software?

While demo automation software does improve sales and marketing efficiency, it can also have drawbacks. These may include a need for more advanced customization features, limited integrations with other platforms, or higher pricing for premium features.